Megumi Ishitani revealed that the One Piece Fan Letter storyboard had more than 500 frames, and she was told to remove some of the content. This proved to be a massive challenge for Megumi Ishitani and her team. However, this did not put her off. Instead, she and her team decided to work harder to fit all the content without cutting any corners. This dedication by Megumi Ishitani shows why she is among the best directors in the industry.
Megumi Ishitani Wants To Make A One Piece Movie
In the same interview, she spoke about the success of the One Piece Fan Letter. She disclosed that she was initially worried about the success of the project because the Straw Hats were not the center of attention. So Megumi Ishitani was elated when she saw the reception from the fans. Given the amount of hard work she and the team put into the project, it is only natural for her to be delighted by its success.
When Will A One Piece Movie Be Released?
One Piece anime is returning in 2025
More news related to the movie might come out in 2025
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Even if there is no update regarding the movie, One Piece fans still have a lot to look forward to. The One Piece anime will return from its break in April 2025. This means viewers will be able to see the next act of the Egghead Island Arc. Also, there is a small chance that Wit Studio might give fans an update on the release of the One Piece remake.